The science behind cravings - Scientists have been unable to figure out why people crave certain foods, but most think that it has something to do with the nutrients the food provides. Most people feel like they crave snack food, but in reality should be eating foods that are rich in protein and vitamins. ...
Research up in the air over whether there is a direct connection between cravings and nutritional deficiencies.
It’s 4:27, and you suddenly want Cheez-Its but you don’t know why. Many a craver has puzzled over why they want the foods they suddenly can’t live without. ...
Full Story: ...
... What are you craving?

Researchers see fat-reduction potential in olive fiber - The waste fiber from olive mills can be used to improve the cooking properties and texture of low-fat meat products, researchers say. They were able to reduce fat in meatballs by 2 to 5 grams through a combination of olive mill waste fiber, carrot fiber and potato starch.
Fibre obtained from the waste of olive mills may mimic the effects of fat, and improve the product’s cooking properties, says a new study with low-fat potential.
Greek and Swedish researchers found that the olive mill waste fibre, ...
Full Story: Olive fibre may replace fat in meat products; by Stephen Daniells

What you see on the front of the packaging doesn't always reveal what's really inside.
Imagine three items in your grocery cart: Peppercorn Ranch SunChips, Cocoa Krispies and Country Crock margarine.
The first is stamped with a red heart, indicating that it's a good source of whole grains. The second has a banner saying that the vitamin-enriched rice cereal will boost your immunity. The third bears a green label deeming it a "Smart Choice," ...
Full Story: Eight Puzzling Food Labels; by Rebecca Ruiz
More Interesting Links!
~ More restaurants offering gluten-free options. Free to eat out. Philly.com
~ My Day on a Plate: Nora Ephron, novelist, screenwriter, director, serious eater—is as comfortable in front of a pot of beef bourguignon as she is behind a movie camera. Gourmet.com
~ The gluten-free snack market keeps getting bigger - Companies are responding to growing interest in gluten-free diets with more than 1,000 gluten-free product launches in 2008 and ... DrugStoreNews.com
~ Probiotic pizza makes its debut - A new probiotic pizza designed to help your immune system is being launched by Naked Pizza in New Orleans, with plans to expand the franchise across the U.S. and also sell the products in grocery stores. EmaxHealth.com
JUST~GIVE is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect people with the charities and causes they care about and to increase overall giving.
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