Frankenstein's Frog, British Oysters, Taramasalata, etc...

The Nasty Bits
Frankenstein's Frog, Stir-Fried
"Why eat a frog? Oftentimes the legs are compared to chicken flesh; a more precise comparison would straddle the line between chicken and a firm, meaty fish."

For years I've walked by the bins of frogs in Chinese markets without feeling the slightest inclination to buy one. ...
Full Story: The Nasty Bits: Frankenstein's Frog, Stir-Fried;

"There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins. ~Josh Billings"(*)

Food and Drink
What's eating British oysters?
"As a type of US snail threatens our oysters, Jasper Gerard praises the unique delicacy."

“I’m in love with the produce of the Mediterranean,” beamed Alain Ducasse, celebrated French chef. ...
Full Story: What's eating British oysters?;

Real Food
Taramasalata: it’s all about the roe material
"A rare seasonal delicacy that can be enjoyed at this time of year is cod’s roe"

There are few seasonal delicacies to celebrate during the fag-end of winter, which makes the arrival of cod’s roe all the more exciting. ...
Full Story: Taramasalata: it’s all about the roe material;


Grilled Chicken SkewersImage by ockstyle via Flickr

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