Food blogs move to the mainstream ~
"The fact : After existing for less than a decade, food blogs has been acknowledged by the mainstream food world and will be included in the James Beard Foundation Awards for the first time this year"
What do a Lithuanian model in Paris, a British dot-com consultant and an undergraduate Luxembourgian in London all have in common?...
Read more: Have Food Blogs Come of Age?; wsj.com
"Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless." ~Honoré de Balzac
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
Comfort zone
~ These dumplings are just as authentic as its potato relative, but lighter in texture and much easier to make...
Read more: Ricotta Gnocchi Are Sticky and Lumpy (and Just Right); nytimes.com
~ From classic roast chicken to the ultimate chicken soup, including pies, curries, stir-fries and pasta dishes...
Read more: Chicken : Recipes and helpful tips; bbc.co.uk

Dorie Greenspan - Her cookbooks are treasured. Her legions are growing, as she long ago tapped into the power of the blogosphere...
Read more: All We Can Eat - In the kitchen with Dorie;
Culinary globetrotting
~ In search of a grasshopper salad; ft.com
~ Lunch at the world's cheapest Michelin starred restaurant; luxeat.com
~ Grazing: Tastes from Istria to Copenhagen to Valencia; food.truth.travel
~ Henne Kirkeby Kro and Talented Mr. Poulsen; verygoodfood.dk
~ A catalog of diets — 'What I Eat' is what we eat; culinate.com
Pantry notes
~ The easiest to find is crunchy Napa cabbage, which is particularly prized in China, where it's used in everything from hearty dumplings to soups...
Read more: Farm-Fresh Asian Greens; saveur.com
~ Many foods are defined by their aroma and yuzu is no exception. In fact, the distinct aroma of yuzu has earned it its very own aroma compound, Yuzunone...
Read more: yuzu kosho; playingwithfireandwater.com
~ Globally there are over 9,000 species of seaweed divided into three major types: green, brown and red. Red is the most species-rich group...
Read more: seaweed; fishonline.org
The fishmonger news
~ If cats can smell in their dreams, the seafood processing facility visited, must be their idea of a smorgasbord in heaven...
Read more: Cheap Seafood's High Cost; theatlantic.com
~ Knife Skills: How to Peel and Devein Shrimp; seriouseats.com
~ How to Make Ceviche; seriouseats.com
~ Video: Collecting caviar in AndalucĂa; guardian.co.uk
From the mixer
~ Open for Business: The Best Pizzeria in Naples?; theatlantic.com
Image by ockstyle via Flickr
Check also:
~ the OCK Style digest
~ the Food Meditations digest
~ the Andante con Gusto daily
~ the Gluten-Free Etc. daily
~ the Golosi e Creativi daily
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