On the menu ~
There will be blood - "Foie gras and blood torchon, slow cooked eggs with caramelized white chocolate and puffed farro"... Everything You Need to Know About Cooking with Blood | GOOD
Authentic Ricotta: Forget the Pastry Cream, This Stuff is Good Enough for Cannolis : TheCultureist.com ~ If you thought ricotta was just a lasagna filler killing space between the noodles and sauce until the real dairy prize...
Demon Days: Alvin Leung : NOWNESS ~ Amid tentacles and open flames, the self-professed “Demon Chef” Alvin Leung reveals a wicked palate and...
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French Notes… Le Japon reste le pays phare de la gastronomie pour le Guide Michelin :
LeMonde.fr ~ Tokyo a conservé, a -t-on appris mercredi 28 novembre, son titre de capitale mondiale de la gastronomie et des restaurants trois étoiles...

French Notes… - Sortir à Paris : On a testé... l'art d'offrir à la japonaise : Le Figaro ~ Une première : un pavillon dédié à la cérémonie du cadeau ouvre en dehors du Japon, rue Jacob (VIe)...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from GoDaddy.com!
Just In Time For Holiday Bakers: Red Walnuts! : Gourmet Live ~ If ever there was a perfect nut for the December holidays, it’s the red walnut...
An Aussie Dessert, Unwrapped : AFAR ~ A craving for a favorite childhood treat, a classic Australian cake known as a lamington...
Why luxury booze is good for everyone : The Globe and Mail ~ Warning: Expensive whiskies ahead...
“We’ve become a food culture” : Salon.com ~ Food critic Ruth Reichl explains how immigrants made, and continue to transform, American cuisine...
Holiday Sweets: Low-Calorie Sugar Cookies : Health.com ~ Baking during the holiday season a favorite activities this time of year...
Chia, nutrition’s new pet project : The Washington Post ~ It entered the scene three decades ago as a comical tchotchke — also known as the Chia Pet...
I turn garbage into food : The Washington Post ~ Jeremy Brosowsky never pictured himself in the garbage business...
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
There will be blood - "Foie gras and blood torchon, slow cooked eggs with caramelized white chocolate and puffed farro"... Everything You Need to Know About Cooking with Blood | GOOD
Authentic Ricotta: Forget the Pastry Cream, This Stuff is Good Enough for Cannolis : TheCultureist.com ~ If you thought ricotta was just a lasagna filler killing space between the noodles and sauce until the real dairy prize...
Demon Days: Alvin Leung : NOWNESS ~ Amid tentacles and open flames, the self-professed “Demon Chef” Alvin Leung reveals a wicked palate and...
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
French Notes… Le Japon reste le pays phare de la gastronomie pour le Guide Michelin :
LeMonde.fr ~ Tokyo a conservé, a -t-on appris mercredi 28 novembre, son titre de capitale mondiale de la gastronomie et des restaurants trois étoiles...
Journal Parisien :
“For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.”
~Ivan Panin (thinkexist.com)
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
“For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.”
~Ivan Panin (thinkexist.com)
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
French Notes… - Sortir à Paris : On a testé... l'art d'offrir à la japonaise : Le Figaro ~ Une première : un pavillon dédié à la cérémonie du cadeau ouvre en dehors du Japon, rue Jacob (VIe)...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from GoDaddy.com!
Just In Time For Holiday Bakers: Red Walnuts! : Gourmet Live ~ If ever there was a perfect nut for the December holidays, it’s the red walnut...
An Aussie Dessert, Unwrapped : AFAR ~ A craving for a favorite childhood treat, a classic Australian cake known as a lamington...
Why luxury booze is good for everyone : The Globe and Mail ~ Warning: Expensive whiskies ahead...
“We’ve become a food culture” : Salon.com ~ Food critic Ruth Reichl explains how immigrants made, and continue to transform, American cuisine...
Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community
Holiday Sweets: Low-Calorie Sugar Cookies : Health.com ~ Baking during the holiday season a favorite activities this time of year...
Chia, nutrition’s new pet project : The Washington Post ~ It entered the scene three decades ago as a comical tchotchke — also known as the Chia Pet...
I turn garbage into food : The Washington Post ~ Jeremy Brosowsky never pictured himself in the garbage business...
Odditorium ... (Photo credit: ockstyle) |
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
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