Business ~
Is it time to put leftovers back on the table?
The Guardian ~ Food's latest hot trend: leftovers : Our modern obsession with beautiful food – and reliance on ready meals when short of time – has led to huge waste... ~ Video - The Science of Nonvintage Champagne : The dilemma of Champagne is that the stylishness of the packaging often overshadows the style of the wine itself... ~ Whelks Are Coming Out of Their Shell and Onto Your Plate : Call the creatures scungilli, and you have an ingredient that Italian-Americans have long used...
The Observer ~ 2012: how did it taste to you? Say the word "Novikov" to me, and I'll say "expensive faux Italian food that tastes like cheap Chinese"...
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Italiaca… Salute 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore ~ La birra tiene lontani dal raffreddore : Nella birra si nasconde una molecola che può sconfiggere il raffreddore e altri malanni invernali...

Italiaca… ~ Arriva la conferma: i carotenoidi riducono il rischio di tumore al seno : Carote, cavoli, peperoni, ananas, pomodori, agrumi e molti altri vegetali fanno bene alla salute...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from! ~ First European Cheese May Have Been Made Around 5,000 BC | Archaeology : Scientists say they have evidence that humans in prehistoric Europe were making cheese as early as 7,000 years ago...
Appetizer | National Post ~ Recipes: White chocolate treats for the holidays : Delicious white chocolate desserts will make your holiday season bright...
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ~ The cream of the cookbook crop, 2012 : Food staffers and contributors pick their favorite cookbooks of the year...
Nation's Restaurant News ~ Study: Restaurant strategies differ for smartphone, tablet apps : Usage patterns for mobile Web browsers or apps on smartphones and tablets all differ...
Amateur Gourmet ~ Cookfight! Kim Severson vs. Julia Moskin : The concept of COOKFIGHT is incredibly fresh...
Alternet ~ Revealed: What the Beef Industry Pumps Into Your Dinner : A common industry practice puts consumers at higher risks for eating food contaminated by deadly pathogens -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg...
The Atlantic ~ After 1 Minute on the Floor, Food Has 10x the Bacteria as After 5 Seconds : The science of dropping your food on the ground reveals surprising lessons...
The Atlantic ~ Study: Infant Formula Causes Cell Death Where Breast Milk Does Not : Digesting formula can be toxic to cells that line the gastrointestinal tract...
Grist ~ From farm to table, we’re losing tons of food : Forty percent of the food is wasted somewhere between the farm, the table, and the garbage can...
Women's Health Magazine ~ How Food Fraud is Threatening Our Food Safety : It's a booming enterprise that makes money by feeding you lies...
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
Is it time to put leftovers back on the table?
The Guardian ~ Food's latest hot trend: leftovers : Our modern obsession with beautiful food – and reliance on ready meals when short of time – has led to huge waste... ~ Video - The Science of Nonvintage Champagne : The dilemma of Champagne is that the stylishness of the packaging often overshadows the style of the wine itself... ~ Whelks Are Coming Out of Their Shell and Onto Your Plate : Call the creatures scungilli, and you have an ingredient that Italian-Americans have long used...
The Observer ~ 2012: how did it taste to you? Say the word "Novikov" to me, and I'll say "expensive faux Italian food that tastes like cheap Chinese"...
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
Italiaca… Salute 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore ~ La birra tiene lontani dal raffreddore : Nella birra si nasconde una molecola che può sconfiggere il raffreddore e altri malanni invernali...
Journal Parisien : Métro Rue du Bac, Paris 7e
“There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be...” ~John Lennon
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
“There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be...” ~John Lennon
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
Italiaca… ~ Arriva la conferma: i carotenoidi riducono il rischio di tumore al seno : Carote, cavoli, peperoni, ananas, pomodori, agrumi e molti altri vegetali fanno bene alla salute...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from! ~ First European Cheese May Have Been Made Around 5,000 BC | Archaeology : Scientists say they have evidence that humans in prehistoric Europe were making cheese as early as 7,000 years ago...
Appetizer | National Post ~ Recipes: White chocolate treats for the holidays : Delicious white chocolate desserts will make your holiday season bright...
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ~ The cream of the cookbook crop, 2012 : Food staffers and contributors pick their favorite cookbooks of the year...
Nation's Restaurant News ~ Study: Restaurant strategies differ for smartphone, tablet apps : Usage patterns for mobile Web browsers or apps on smartphones and tablets all differ...
Amateur Gourmet ~ Cookfight! Kim Severson vs. Julia Moskin : The concept of COOKFIGHT is incredibly fresh...
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On healthy eating in the global food community
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community
Alternet ~ Revealed: What the Beef Industry Pumps Into Your Dinner : A common industry practice puts consumers at higher risks for eating food contaminated by deadly pathogens -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg...
The Atlantic ~ After 1 Minute on the Floor, Food Has 10x the Bacteria as After 5 Seconds : The science of dropping your food on the ground reveals surprising lessons...
The Atlantic ~ Study: Infant Formula Causes Cell Death Where Breast Milk Does Not : Digesting formula can be toxic to cells that line the gastrointestinal tract...
Grist ~ From farm to table, we’re losing tons of food : Forty percent of the food is wasted somewhere between the farm, the table, and the garbage can...
Women's Health Magazine ~ How Food Fraud is Threatening Our Food Safety : It's a booming enterprise that makes money by feeding you lies...
Flowers - Edible Flowers at Zuma London (Photo credit: ockstyle) |
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
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