Eating & Drinking ~
For too long, cocktails have been too big
Make Mine a Mini : ~ Do you really want a Martini the size of your head? Diminutive drinks are the next big (little) thing...
Modern Hanukkah Recipes: A Dinner Party Menu For The Festival Of Lights (PHOTOS) : ~ A menu to celebrate all things Hanukkah...
Mobile Food Photography: Learn to Use Mobile Food Photography : ~ Know your photography apps and everything you can do with them...
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
Italiaca… Sfatato mito: i formaggi non fanno male al cuore. Anzi... : Salute 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore ~ Lo chiamano “paradosso francese”. Un enigma alimentare sul quale si arrovellano da tempo fior fior di nutrizionisti...

Italica… Mangiatori schizzinosi si nasce o si diventa? ~ Essere di gusti «molto difficili» non è sempre indice di disturbi alimentari...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from!
11 Doughnut Recipes To Make For Hanukkah : Serious Eats: Sweets ~ Hanukkah begins this Saturday, and in preparation, here are 11 delicious doughnut recipes...
What We’re Cooking: Hanukkah Favorites : Gourmet Live ~ Hanukkah is not only a festival of lights, but also a festival of food...
Yes, but is it really 'natural'? ~ Natural wine? Who could possibly object?...
Expert taste test: Peggy Porschen on stollen : The Telegraph ~ The cake designer Peggy Porschen gives her verdict on the best stollen for Christmas 2012...
Hostess's Infinite Shelf Life | Reconsider : ~ One chef's recipe for Hostess cupcakes calls for bittersweet chocolate-glazed, coffee-laced devil's food with a white chocolate mousse center...
Gluten-Free Finger Millet a Lifelong Health Habit in India : ~ In Kerala, India, versatile and nourishing finger millet features prominently in Hindu celebrations...
For Holiday Party Fare, Try a Purée : ~ Mediterranean vegetable and bean purées are an easy and delicious alternative to not-so-healthy holiday treats...
Mother load: The secret to DIY kombucha : Grist ~ As a fizzy, refreshing fermented nonalcoholic beverage, kombucha has lately taken the world by storm...
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
For too long, cocktails have been too big
"Drinkers serious about their Martinis have always known to keep them on the small side"
Make Mine a Mini : ~ Do you really want a Martini the size of your head? Diminutive drinks are the next big (little) thing...
Modern Hanukkah Recipes: A Dinner Party Menu For The Festival Of Lights (PHOTOS) : ~ A menu to celebrate all things Hanukkah...
Mobile Food Photography: Learn to Use Mobile Food Photography : ~ Know your photography apps and everything you can do with them...
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
Italiaca… Sfatato mito: i formaggi non fanno male al cuore. Anzi... : Salute 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore ~ Lo chiamano “paradosso francese”. Un enigma alimentare sul quale si arrovellano da tempo fior fior di nutrizionisti...
Journal Parisien : Expo photo dans l'église de Saint-Merri, Paris 4e
"Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together."
~John Ruskin (
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
"Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together."
~John Ruskin (
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
Italica… Mangiatori schizzinosi si nasce o si diventa? ~ Essere di gusti «molto difficili» non è sempre indice di disturbi alimentari...
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from!
11 Doughnut Recipes To Make For Hanukkah : Serious Eats: Sweets ~ Hanukkah begins this Saturday, and in preparation, here are 11 delicious doughnut recipes...
What We’re Cooking: Hanukkah Favorites : Gourmet Live ~ Hanukkah is not only a festival of lights, but also a festival of food...
Yes, but is it really 'natural'? ~ Natural wine? Who could possibly object?...
Expert taste test: Peggy Porschen on stollen : The Telegraph ~ The cake designer Peggy Porschen gives her verdict on the best stollen for Christmas 2012...
Hostess's Infinite Shelf Life | Reconsider : ~ One chef's recipe for Hostess cupcakes calls for bittersweet chocolate-glazed, coffee-laced devil's food with a white chocolate mousse center...
Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community
Gluten-Free Finger Millet a Lifelong Health Habit in India : ~ In Kerala, India, versatile and nourishing finger millet features prominently in Hindu celebrations...
For Holiday Party Fare, Try a Purée : ~ Mediterranean vegetable and bean purées are an easy and delicious alternative to not-so-healthy holiday treats...
Mother load: The secret to DIY kombucha : Grist ~ As a fizzy, refreshing fermented nonalcoholic beverage, kombucha has lately taken the world by storm...
Meat - Rabbit: Raw Thighs (Photo credit: ockstyle) |
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
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