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Check Food Meditations, the gourmet observer on healthy eating, food trends and culinary news from around the world.
A digest on what's happening in the global food community. by ockstyle
Hope you'll enjoy it!
Orsola Ciriello Kogan (aka OCK Style)

Born and brought-up in Italy, (il Bel Paese), with fresh and genuine food, and I'd like to thank my family for that.
Back then I didn't know that we where some real locavores, farming organic produce sustainably and foraging.
A background as photographer, (reportage, portraits, still-life), I kept cherishing my culinary knowledge for everything organic, sustainable, local and seasonal, treasuring the traditional cooking.
My professional culinary life begins in Paris with excellent schools and collaboration with great chefs that, besides entrusting me with their cooking tips and tricks, have taught me the ::Art of Food Presentation::
I did my debut as an intern at the 3-stars Michelin restaurant ::Pavillon Ledoyen:: with Chef Christian Le Squer, eventually continuing my training and work experience at the 2-stars Michelin restaurant ::L'Espadon:: Hotel Ritz Paris, with Chef Michel Roth, where I went from the savory to pastry with Chef-Patissier Eddie Benghanem.
Author of the blog "Food Meditations", the knowing of photography and cooking naturally led me to choose ::Food Styling:: and ::Recipe Development:: as my career, besides writing about food and travel.
I am sharing my time between Rome, (Italy) and Moscow, (Russia).

~ Le Cordon Bleu Paris, FRANCE;
~ L'Ecole Ritz-Escoffier, Paris, FRANCE;
~ Professional Intensive Course in Cake Decorating and Sugarcraft at the Squires Kitchen International, Farnham, Surrey, UK;
~ Food Styling at the Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, NY, USA;
~ Professional Pastry at Le Scuole del Gambero Rosso, Rome, ITALY;
Check also:
~ OCK STYLE - On Wine, Spirits, Photography, Styling and Everything Chocolate, with an Italian touch!
~ The Recipes Hunter - A collection of recipes constantly updated, (we are trying our best).
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