At some of the most prestigious sushi bars, the chefs serve what they want, refusing to take orders and even ejecting customers who annoy them. A recipe for oven-roasted salmon or cod with miso sauce is included in this article.
Why do the fans keep coming? Katy McLaughlin on culture clashes -- and the California-roll taboo....
... If you're seated at the sushi bar at Sasabune in New York, Sushi Nozawa in Los Angeles, or Sawa Sushi in Sunnyvale, Calif., a few words of advice: Don't try to order -- the chef will decide what you eat. Use extra soy sauce at your own risk. And don't ask for a California roll. You might get kicked out.
~Full Story: Sushi Bullies; ; By KATY MCLAUGHLIN, on WSJ.com~
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