In the six-and-one-half years since the federal government began certifying food as “organic,” Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm. Sales have at least doubled, and three-quarters of the nation’s grocery stores now carry at least some organic food. A Harris poll in October 2007 found that about 30 percent of Americans buy organic food at least on occasion, and most think it is safer, better for the environment and healthier. “People believe it must be better for you if it’s organic,” ...
... says Phil Howard, an assistant professor of community, food and agriculture at Michigan State University. Full Story: Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not; By MARK BITTMAN
Business> Metrics on The New York Times
The map of organic farms in the United States is clustered into a few geographic centers, a strikingly different pattern than the map of all farms, which spreads densely over many regions, breaking only for the Rockies and Western deserts.
Areas in the Northeast and Northwest have many small organic farms that sell produce directly to consumers. Large organic farms, which some critics call organic agribusiness, have flourished in California. Full Story: The Hot Spots for Organic Food; By HANNAH FAIRFIELD
LIFESTYLE ESSENTIALS: Clarins > ≈ Organic > ≈ ≈ ≈ Mix > ≈
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