Tokyo's Fish Market Has a Certain Lure.
At 5 a.m., about 40 tourists were already ahead of us, squeezed into a roped-off aisle and surrounded by more than a hundred frozen tuna. The fish were laid out in neat rows on the floor of the chilly warehouse, giving off a faint frozen mist under the fluorescent lighting. We jostled for position and milled about excitedly, waiting for Tokyo's famous tuna auction to begin.
Men in work shirts and ...
Full Story: ...
... A Seafood Drama, From Start to Fin; By Kathryn Tolbert

Restaurant owner Kylie Kwong salutes sustainability - Kylie Kwong, owner of Chinese restaurant Billy Kwong in Australia, has been a pioneer of restaurant sustainability long before it became a trend. Her efforts have been recognized with the Good Food Guide's Sustainability Award, and her passion for promoting a healthy environment is evident in all areas of her business. "Every time I think of a new provedore or using an ingredient, I ask whether it's sustainable," Kwong says.
IN OUR post-credit crunch society, green is good. Ever in step with the times, this year's SMH Good Food Guide's Ten of the Best includes a list of green eateries in Sydney and across NSW.
We know the buzzwords: ethical, sustainable, low environmental footprint, carbon neutral. ...
Full Story: Sustainability is Kylie's passion; by Joanna Savill

Avoid this seafood at all costs and make a huge difference in our oceans.
More and more people are getting out their handy pocket sustainable seafood guides and that's a great thing. But there are some fish that for the most part should never be eaten no matter where you are. For one reason or another these guys have been hit hard with overfishing or the methods in which they are fished have dire consequences for the planet. So if you see these fish on a menu skip them and if you see them at the fish market pass them by. Of course this list is subject to change over time, ...
Full Story: The Least Sustainable Seafood in the World And Why You Should Avoid It; By Sara Novak

News filtering out of Australia indicates a massive geoengineering of the Southern Oceans, done without the necessary government approvals, and with no regard whatsoever to potentially adverse 'ecosystem impacts.' Iron oxide laden dust, originating from the Lake Eyre Basin area of central Australia, reportedly has blanketed the ocean surface from the Australian coast to New Zealand. The iron-fertilizer-in-the-ocean "dump" came on so suddenly, ...
Full Story: Thousands Of Tons Of Potentially Toxic Iron Dust Dumped In Ocean Without Permit; by John Laumer
More Interesting Links!
~ EU - Nutrition Labelling; Seriosamente Parlando
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~ Exotic Animals of the World that You Can Ride; Mishka Bites!
~ Top 10 Tips for Packing Light; OCK STYLE
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