How to Meditate While Grilling
Meditation isn’t the first thing that jumps to mind when you think of manliness. Typically, you think of grilling, shining your shoes, cleaning your gun, maybe makin’ whoopee with some foxy broad. Nice. That’s what we think about, too. But, what you might not realize is that meditation is a much broader concept than hippy dippies not getting their haircut while sitting quietly on a yoga mat. In fact, it’s perfectly within the boundaries of meditation to do the manly things listed above (and many others) meditatively. ...
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... How to Meditate While Grilling

Cooking Thai Food With a Master
Cooking and eating Thai food with David Thompson - David Thompson is the author of "Thai Food," considered the English-language Bible of Thai cooking. "It's a completely unique style of cooking, one that is born in chaos," he says.
Tangled herbs are piled high like clipped shrubbery. Chickens, factory-fattened and free-range, bathe in ice. Pink pork loins hang from hooks, beside a polka-dot tapestry of eggplants and chilies. ...
Full Story: Cooking Thai Food With a Master; by Jarrett Wrisley

How the Food Makers Captured Our Brains
The science of food cravings - The food industry has learned how to combine fat, salt and sugar to create foods that trigger our desire to keep eating even when we are full. So says former Food and Drug Administration chief David Kessler in his new book, "The End of Overeating."
As head of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. David A. Kessler served two presidents and battled Congress and Big Tobacco. But the Harvard-educated pediatrician discovered he was helpless against the forces of a chocolate chip cookie. ...
Full Story: How the Food Makers Captured Our Brains; By TARA PARKER-POPE
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