Coffee Worth Traveling For
"Coffee tourists can be divided into two groups, those who travel "to origin,"--or countries that produce coffee--and..."On a very cold December day, far from Harvard Square, on an otherwise nondescript stretch of Mass. Avenue I wandered into the tiny lab/showroom/standup coffee bar ...
Full Story: Coffee Worth Traveling For; The Atlantic Food Channel
"No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard"(*)

Seeking Coffee's Benefits to Health
"Your Coffee May Have Some Health Perks, but Can Brew Trouble in People With Certain Conditions"
To judge by recent headlines, coffee could be the latest health-food craze, right up there with broccoli and whole-wheat bread. ...
Full Story: Good News in the Daily Grind; WSJ.com
(*) from QuoteGarden.com
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