"subject to the kind of adulation and argument once reserved for football clubs or Romantic poets"Food of the gods: posh burgers are back on the menu... When comfort food meets gastronomic perfection | telegraph.co.uk

“Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.”
~Alex Noble (thinkexist.com)
Delightfully yours,
Food Meditations
A Cut Above the Rest
Get Your Goat On ~ See for yourself why everybody's new favorite meat has two horns and a goatee... ~ wsj.com
In Paris, One Butcher Is a Cut Above the Rest ~ France has been known for its three-star chefs for decades. Now, French foodies are name-dropping their suppliers... ~ wsj.com
Food for thought
Mindful Eating as Way to Fight Bingeing ~ A concept based on Buddhist teachings encourages people to eat slowly, paying close attention to the sensation and... ~ nytimes.com
Travel bites
Jeffrey Steingarten: Turning Japanese ~ Jeffrey Steingarten eats his way through exalted restaurants, humble street food—and everything in between... ~ vogue.com
Mastering the art of Japanese tea ~ eatocracy.cnn.com
Liquid gold
Happy Sour: Sean Brock’s PBR Vinegar ~ Made from his grandma’s 40-year old starter... ~ foodrepublic.com
The Trouble With Tasting Wine ~ A new book reveals why you can’t trust your tongue... ~ foodrepublic.com
Pantry notes
It’s simple, dude: Cook for her ~ Easy dishes that look dazzling and taste delicious... ~ charlotteobserver.com
How to use your leftover egg whites ~ What to do?... ~ washingtonpost.com
Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
* New Guide to Who Really Shouldn't Eat Gluten ~ wsj.com
* Good Food Essentials: Shop Wisely, Cook Simply, Eat Well ~ nrdc.org
* Sugar, cheese and other dietary demons ~ washingtonpost.com
* Foods that are good--and bad--for your heart ~ washingtonpost.com
Check Also:
~ ::Inspired @ockstyle:: On photography, styling and everything chocolate, ...
~ ::The Digest @TasteOfRussia:: » On Russia and beyond ...
~ Adventurous &... @TravelBitesInfo On travel and other life distractions ...
~ ::The Daily Flavour @EtherNett:: » On Movie, media, sport ...
~ ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: Healthy eating in the global food community ...
~ Looking for recipes? Check The Recipes Hunter collection...
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