Coconut Water, 8 Breads, Neapolitan Pizza and... l'Incorrigible Butcher

Coconut water:
All it's cracked up to be?

"The Brazilians have been drinking it for years ... and anywhere else that the coconut palm grows"

Coconut water contains natural sugars and some important vitamins and minerals, but is it the wonder tonic the hype suggests?... ~ Coconut water: all it's cracked up to be?

The bread basket can go global this Thanksgiving... Food Republic ~ 8 Breads From Around the World

Outside Naples, in the town of Caiazzo, a wood stove burns on the first floor of what Franco Pepe calls his laboratory... ~ The Artisans Behind Neapolitan Pizza

Warning: This is a fairly long post. For the takeaway instructions (how to salt meat to increase juiciness), skip to the bottom... Serious Eats ~ The Food Lab: The Truth About Brining Turkey

French Notes… La recette de l'incorrigible butcher qui a fait le buzz jusque dans les colonnes du New York Times... Obsession ~ Le véritable Burger de Yves-Marie le Bourdonnec

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Journal Parisien : Portraits des lions du cinéma la Pagode, Paris 7e

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
~Anne Frank (

Delightfully yours, Food Meditations

French Notes… Connaissez-vous la dynamisation rurale ? Et l'ampélographie ?... Obsession ~ Rencontres des cépages modestes/ Le terroir au goût du vin

Here’s a little treat that combines two favorite flavors of this season, cranberries and oranges... ~ Cranberry-Orange Baklava Good Enough for Thanksgiving

Replacing the customary noodles or potatoes with grains gives these delicious and comforting dishes a nutritional boost... ~ Quinoa and Carrot Kugel

In this week's Recipes for Health, Martha Rose Shulman explores new ways to cook with winter squash... ~ Winter Squash Recipes for Health

Wherever you look these days, it seems labels that strive to send a message about our food are on the table... The Salt : NPR ~ As U.S. States Look To Add Food Labels, Denmark Looks To Subtract Some

Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
* The Washington Post ~ Pac-Man and the health maze
* ~ Eat more 'superfoods' to lose weight
* ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: Healthy eating in the global food community ...

Fruits - Salad [Sashimi Style] Detail
Fruits - Salad [Sashimi Style] Detail (Photo credit: ockstyle)

~ Looking for recipes? Check The Recipes Hunter collection...

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The digest on what's happening in the food community is a constant work in progress, with notes of gourmet travelers, on cooking, styling, taking pictures, writing and blogging about it. (Not necessarily in this order!)
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