Overview ~
Analyzing Vegetarian Meals
In this lesson, students create vegetarian menus for fictional characters, then analyze them for nutritional content... NYTimes.com ~ Minus the Meat: Analyzing and Creating Healthy Vegetarian Meals
Chocolate in the morning? Try it some time... ZesterDaily.com ~ How Does Chocolate Grow on Trees? Expensively. | Cacao | Artisan
Along with sunny spa-filled days, cocoa tourism takes visitors island-hopping from bean to bonbon... NYTimes.com ~ A Chocolate Tour of the Caribbean
Handing-it straight round at a party, with coffee after dinner, keep it in the freezer, or give it away for Christmas presents... BBC - Food ~ Recipes : Chocolate pistachio fudge
In November's seasonal food you will find rich game meats to complement hearty root vegetables... Delicious. Magazine ~ November seasonal food
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
French Notes… Précis de résistance à la société du spectacle... Drôles de gammes | Rue89 Les blogs ~ 'Lettres à une jeune pianiste'

French Notes… Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!... Obsession ~ Beaujolais Nouveau / Les meilleurs plans de l’AOC 2012
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from GoDaddy.com!
Think Mom's same old Thanksgiving mashed potatoes are boring? Jejune? Predictable?... The Salt : NPR ~ Wake Up Thanksgiving Mashed Potatoes With A Touch Of Kimchi
It is home to half of Spain's three-Michelin-starred restaurants, alongside superb pintxo bars... The Independent ~ San Sebastian: Small is beautiful for classy cuisine - Europe - Travel
The likes of Rick Stein and The Hairy Bikers have been credited for changing attitudes... Mail Online ~ Snake for dinner... yes please! Brits abroad now love to tuck into cultural cuisine, thanks to celebrity chefs
Introducing a cauliflower dish by saying that the technique for cooking it comes from from a series of tweets by a U.K. food writer... The Washington Post ~ Cauliflower’s 140-character study - All We Can Eat
Venison was once the preserve of the wealthy. But this supposedly 'gamey' meat is undergoing a popular revival... BBC Food ~ Venison back on British menu
You may not have a clue where it is, but you’ll certainly know two things about it... The Telegraph ~ Versatile venison recipes from Daylesford Organic
Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
* The Telegraph ~ Warning - TV cookery shows are 'bad for the waistline'
* ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: Healthy eating in the global food community ...
~ Looking for recipes? Check The Recipes Hunter collection...
Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual.
Analyzing Vegetarian Meals
"What is vegetarianism? Veganism? Why are many drawn to these diets?"
In this lesson, students create vegetarian menus for fictional characters, then analyze them for nutritional content... NYTimes.com ~ Minus the Meat: Analyzing and Creating Healthy Vegetarian Meals
Chocolate in the morning? Try it some time... ZesterDaily.com ~ How Does Chocolate Grow on Trees? Expensively. | Cacao | Artisan
Along with sunny spa-filled days, cocoa tourism takes visitors island-hopping from bean to bonbon... NYTimes.com ~ A Chocolate Tour of the Caribbean
Handing-it straight round at a party, with coffee after dinner, keep it in the freezer, or give it away for Christmas presents... BBC - Food ~ Recipes : Chocolate pistachio fudge
In November's seasonal food you will find rich game meats to complement hearty root vegetables... Delicious. Magazine ~ November seasonal food
Create Your Blog Today TypePad
French Notes… Précis de résistance à la société du spectacle... Drôles de gammes | Rue89 Les blogs ~ 'Lettres à une jeune pianiste'
Journal Parisien :
“Some people have no idea what they're doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.”
~George Carlin (goodreads.com)
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
~George Carlin (goodreads.com)
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
French Notes… Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!... Obsession ~ Beaujolais Nouveau / Les meilleurs plans de l’AOC 2012
Create your own wedding website with a $7.99 .Com from GoDaddy.com!
Think Mom's same old Thanksgiving mashed potatoes are boring? Jejune? Predictable?... The Salt : NPR ~ Wake Up Thanksgiving Mashed Potatoes With A Touch Of Kimchi
It is home to half of Spain's three-Michelin-starred restaurants, alongside superb pintxo bars... The Independent ~ San Sebastian: Small is beautiful for classy cuisine - Europe - Travel
The likes of Rick Stein and The Hairy Bikers have been credited for changing attitudes... Mail Online ~ Snake for dinner... yes please! Brits abroad now love to tuck into cultural cuisine, thanks to celebrity chefs
Introducing a cauliflower dish by saying that the technique for cooking it comes from from a series of tweets by a U.K. food writer... The Washington Post ~ Cauliflower’s 140-character study - All We Can Eat
Venison was once the preserve of the wealthy. But this supposedly 'gamey' meat is undergoing a popular revival... BBC Food ~ Venison back on British menu
You may not have a clue where it is, but you’ll certainly know two things about it... The Telegraph ~ Versatile venison recipes from Daylesford Organic
Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
* The Telegraph ~ Warning - TV cookery shows are 'bad for the waistline'
* ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: Healthy eating in the global food community ...
Veg - Eggplants with Chocolate - Prep (Photo credit: ockstyle) |
~ Looking for recipes? Check The Recipes Hunter collection...
Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual.
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