It’s time for a wave of holiday parties, during which copious volumes of eggnog and holiday-themed cocktails will undoubtedly be poured... WIRED's Crazy Spherical Holiday Cocktails Are Powered by Science | Wired Science
Italica… Cosa serve per far bere meglio e di più agli italiani? La start-up del vino su misura | DiVini
Delightfully yours, Food Meditations
food-for-thought from the mare-magnum of the emerging media…
Italica… La stella di cotton fioc (in foto), la ghirlanda fatta con i calzini, l'albero con vecchie zip. Più di 30 decori a costo zero... Natale: l’idea più originale è riciclata | Casa & Design

Amid the excitement of matching Viking produce with a post-modern kitchen, it's easy to lose sight of the basic facts: New Nordic Is Cool, But Old Scandinavian Food Holds Its Own | NPR
As we enter the season of excess, we should remind ourselves that the 007 books are fiction, not a guide to living... A dangerous cocktail for James Bond | Telegraph
Durian stinks so badly that it’s banned from airplanes, hotels and mass transit in most Southeast Asian cities. So why does the author adore it? A Love Letter to a Smelly Fruit |
Children's cookery lessons: turn healthy food into child's play | Telegraph
Big Bra-Ther? If all else has failed – willpower, smaller serving sizes, hiding the half-eaten bag of cookies, scientists developed a bra that tells women when to stop overeating | The Globe and Mail
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: On healthy eating in the global food community
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
Italica… Cosa serve per far bere meglio e di più agli italiani? La start-up del vino su misura | DiVini
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Food Styling notes: Cream and pistachios, ockstyle's delicious memories from The Pastry Bible - Eksmo Publishing |
food-for-thought from the mare-magnum of the emerging media…
Italica… La stella di cotton fioc (in foto), la ghirlanda fatta con i calzini, l'albero con vecchie zip. Più di 30 decori a costo zero... Natale: l’idea più originale è riciclata | Casa & Design
Amid the excitement of matching Viking produce with a post-modern kitchen, it's easy to lose sight of the basic facts: New Nordic Is Cool, But Old Scandinavian Food Holds Its Own | NPR
As we enter the season of excess, we should remind ourselves that the 007 books are fiction, not a guide to living... A dangerous cocktail for James Bond | Telegraph
Travel update
Durian stinks so badly that it’s banned from airplanes, hotels and mass transit in most Southeast Asian cities. So why does the author adore it? A Love Letter to a Smelly Fruit |
Appetibilis : Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes
Children's cookery lessons: turn healthy food into child's play | Telegraph
Big Bra-Ther? If all else has failed – willpower, smaller serving sizes, hiding the half-eaten bag of cookies, scientists developed a bra that tells women when to stop overeating | The Globe and Mail
Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations:: On healthy eating in the global food community
Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...
Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...