In Season :: AperiTapas, Springtime Rituals, Fava Beans and Pecorino Romano

Springtime Food Styling :: Pasta, Fava Beans and Pecorino Romano via

Still-Life: Fresh "Fava Beans" in a freezer bag...
Styling: Orsola Ciriello Kogan | photo: ©SerenaEller


“When the first fine spring days come, and the earth awakes and assumes its garment of verdure, when the perfumed warmth of the air blows on our faces and fills our lungs, and even appears to penetrate to our heart, we feel vague longings for undefined happiness, a wish to run, to walk at random, to inhale the spring.” ~ Guy de Maupassant

"Delightfully yours, Food Meditations"


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Stuzzichino primaverile di reminiscenza laziale... Il bello della semplicità I crostini con fave e pecorino via

In Season

Known for their vibrant color and buttery, almost earthy notes, favas are one of the most prized beans of spring... Farmers market report: Fava beans are in season. Here are 9 recipes via LA Times

It's springtime, look for fresh shell-on beans at your farmers market... 10 Fava Bean Recipes for Our Favorite Dark Horse Legume via SAVEUR

There's no denying that these fresh, meaty beans are delicious, and they are in season right now, so grab them up! How To Pick, Clean and Prepare Fava Beans via The Kitchn

Also known as broad beans, they’re green and tender, sweet and meaty... Fava Bean Recipes That Will Make You Forget All About Hannibal Lecter via

Recipes to try:

Fresh fava beans are a treat not to be missed... 5 Fantastic Ways to Cook Fava Beans via The Kitchn

An ancient member of the pea family, with a nutty taste and buttery texture an their own... Fava Bean Recipes via Martha Stewart

~ Marinated Fava Beans via Feasting At Home

~ Appetizer, Al Fresco, Dinner Party... Broad Beans, Garlic & Feta Bruschetta | Vegetable Recipes | Jamie Oliver

~ Golden Beet and Fava Bean Salad via From The Land We Live On

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The digest on what's happening in the food community is a constant work in progress, with notes of gourmet travelers, on cooking, styling, taking pictures, writing and blogging about it. (Not necessarily in this order!)
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